To create a bulleted list you need to add a <ul> and a </ul> tag at the beginning and the end of the list.
Numbered lists have <ol> tags instead of <ul> tags.
To separate single list items use <li> and </li> tags.
There are special settings that you can use to customize the lists on your page.
On the following two pages you can learn in detail about bulleted and numbered lists.Web pages are text files containing HTML
HTML – Hyper
Text Markup
notation for describing
structure (semantic markup)
(presentation markup)
(looked?) like:
Microsoft Word document
The markup tags provide information about
the page content structure
HTML file must have an .htm or .html file
files can be created with text editors:
›NotePad, NotePad ++, PSPad
HTML editors (WYSIWYG Editors):
›Microsoft FrontPage
›Macromedia Dreamweaver
›Expression Web
is comprised of “elements” and “tags”
›Begins with <html>
and ends with </html>
›When writing XHTML,
must define a namespace
(tags) are nested one inside another:
have attributes:
describes structure using two main sections
and <body>
Now we are able to start learning about HTML tags. An HTML tag will always begin with a "less than" sign, like this: <. The tags will end with a "greater than" sign, like this: >. An example would be the tag used to underline text, <u>. You would place this before the text you want to underline. This is called an opening tag, which begins the operation you wish to perform. In order to end the underlining, you must use a closing tag. A closing tag will be the same as the opening tag, but will have a forward slash before the command, like this: </u>. So, if you would like to underline the phrase "HTML Rules!", you would write the following in your text editor:
<u>HTML Rules!</u>
The result of this would be:
HTML Rules!
In the past, not all tags would require a closing tag. An example would be the image tag, which places an image on the page. It looks like this:
<img src="myimage.gif">
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